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Meet the Board!

Introducing the BPC Boosters Board for 2023-2024

Let's welcome the newly elected Board of Directors of the BASIS Phoenix Central Boosters.

Please join the Boosters in welcoming these four BASIS Phoenix Central parents who will help guide the Boosters organization in supporting our school and teachers. We've asked them to introduce themselves, so come join our next meeting and introduce yourself to them!

Meet Sandra Valladares, Secretary

Hi! My name is Sandra Valladares. I am a hairstylist and proud mother of two. I have a son in fourth grade Gallium and a daughter in first grade Argon. I am excited to be part of the new Boosters. I look forward to meeting and working together with other BASIS parents to contribute to our school community while supporting our dedicated and hard-working teachers.

Nina Loughman, Treasurer

Amy Chiang, Vice President

Michelle Arina, President

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